Active Games Now Covid-19 Safety

 At Active Games our priority is the health and safety of our customers and employees. We meet and exceed the guidelines outlined by public health officials.

For contact tracing and to play safely, we require participants to complete a waiver which can be done online.

Active Games is a play at your own risk activity.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call


Covid-19 Safety

Masks are optional.

Ensuring We Play Safe

If you haven’t felt well within the past 72 hours we are asking that you re-book your event.  Always wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds.  Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Birthday Party / Meeting Rooms:

We sanitize between uses.

Our Vests and Lasers:

Each vest and laser will be thoroughly sanitized several times a day..

Arcade Games:

Arcade games are sanitized several times a day.

Increased Cleaning Procedures

Additional cleaning processes are in place. Each employee has been trained how to properly and thoroughly clean high touch surface area’s .

Scorecard Distribution

Please register for the 

LaserMaxx APP For IOS or LaserMaxx APP For Android.

Your code name will be automatically uploaded with the scan of your QR code. If you are not able to download the app, your scorecard will be made available to you.